Monday, February 17, 2014

Vienna "Snow Globe"...Snow We All Love!

Chicago is once AGAIN expecting  6"- 8" snow today...
My earlier home, Atlanta, is finally dug out after last week's storm.

There is one snow we all love....The Snow Globe !
And there is no better Snow Globe than one from Vienna, where it all started...

Created  by Erwin Perzy, a medical instrument technician, in 1900 by accident...
A surgeon asked Perzy to make the Edison light bulb brighter for his operating room in Vienna.

Remembering shoemakers magnify candle light by filling a globe with water and placing in front of their candles...
Perzy filled a glass ball with water, tinsel, and semolina(ground rice)... hoping to reflect the bulb's light.
The particles floated to the bottom, no longer increasing light...
but reminded Perzy of falling snow!!

Soon the snow globe would be born...
A man selling souvenirs asked Perzy to make a miniature of the Mariazell Church.
 (known as Basilica of The Birth of The Virgin Mary and the most visited site in Austria)
Perzy used pewter from his medical instrument shop, 
created the miniature...
then the magic touch...
Perzy  placed the miniature in glass globe with water and semolina...
the semolina when soaked by water, floated very slowly to base..
creating his patent in 1900, 
"Glass Globe With Snow Effect"

Perzy experimented with different miniatures and materials for the snow.
In 1905, he founded "Firm Perzy"
For first 40 years, only used miniature churches in the snow globes.

His son, Erwin Perzy II took over after WWII and introduced different designs..
and a new material for the artificial snow.
(very secret formula)

In early 1980's, the grandson, Erwin Perzy III became in charge.
renaming the company in 1990 to..
"Original Viennese Snow Globe"
Creating now over 350 standard globes in 4 sizes.
Thousands of specially orders..
and Create Your Own...with 20% sales from customized orders!

Who has received some of the Custom Snow Globes??
 President Obama's youngest daughter.
Inside..a miniature Sacher cake..

 Cake decorated with miniature St. Stephan's Cathedral, Lipizzaner Horse, and Ferris Wheel...
Personalized with miniatures of the Obamas dancing in front of the cake and the daughters watching.
Details, Details..
Before delivered, the globe was re-opened for a special addition...
The Obamas adopted a a miniature of the dog was the final touch!!

Desire special Snow???
A friend of President Clinton sent confetti from President Clinton's inaugural address..
the confetti was cut even smaller...
and became the Snow for a globe that would rest on his desk in the oval office!!

What makes the 57 year old Erwin Perzy III smile??
The smiles of the children when they turn the globes over and watch the snow fall!!

The  company continues today.. in the same 1900 house where the first globe created..
creating 200,000 globes each year..\
 Only 30 employees with 15 working from home.

Why their success for over 100 years??
Simplicity of design,
Detailing and painting by hand,
Clarity of the glass globe and liquid,
Lots of Snow, Staying suspended for a long time!!
(Love that)

And what is waiting for the future..
The 24 year old great- granddaughter!!
What surprises are ahead in 10 years when she plans to take over ..
a company with a long history of creating smiles.

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